In Search of Paradise Exhibition Detail

The Portal to freedom.jpg

In Search of Paradise

Relief works depict scenes from refugee journeys. 

I have been thoughtful about the extreme differences in society, behavior and viewpoints. 

The main sculptural work - The ceiling rose. A portal to freedom is a way forward in a seemingly impossible situation.  A way towards hope, promise and freedom.  

This body of work explores parallels - comfort verses discomfort, imprisoned or at liberty, freedom verses powerlessness, hope verses hopelessness. 

How do we go into the future? Are we at a real turning point, we see extreme behavior emerge, exhibited through hatred and cruelty.  Humanity is facing rapid challenges. Rising populations, climate change, politics, statelessness and war, all impact us to varying degrees. How do we move forward to peace, acceptance, comanalitty, meeting basic needs, human rights, survival.  

Finding a common thread, what is it we all need?  Hope, peace, freedom.