Courting alone - The weight of the world.

Painted as a homage to the sacred island of Campbell Island/ Motu Ihupuku this work is made in worship and in celebration of the splendour of the beauty of the place. Unlike anywhere, the nature this island cradles is spectacular and supreme. The Southern Royal Albatross choose these windswept tops to nest upon when they do require land.

I reflect on the threats to this magnificent species. So majestic they definitely live up to their Royal title. I found it astounding to be in the presence of such creatures, to be close and observe their gentle movements, their preening, neck arching, beak clicking, beaks caressing. To watch the folding of these wings, the sitting upon well worn and crafted earthy mosses packed smooth for nurturing. 

These birds are a vulnerable species, our habits, across the oceans and on land, cause such a threat to their survival. Long line fishing sees many hooked to their deaths and some with stomachs full of plastics. 

To walk through this countryside it is easy to dive into the depths of time. The land vastly unchanged over thousands of years. Evidence of habitation slowly decaying and surrendering to the elements. It is exhilarating to walk up the track into the realms of gods where these Southern Royal Albatross soar overhead and dot the landscape, while turbulent forceful winds thrash the land. To sit here among these birds brings such a surreal pleasure. Their magnificence is delicate and yet massive, agile in the air and heavy upon the land.  It is a privilege to have sat and drawn these rare creatures. What beauty I have seen. 

The woman is a ghost of the past, a memory of love and beauty, of days gone by. Perhaps the memory of Elizabeth Farr, or the memory of my youthful love. She possesses a longing for what we have lost and are losing as time passes by. She is courting alone and longing. Bearing the weight of the world on her shoulders, hooked and snared by the Islands. Part of herself is left there, with the albatross in the wind. It is an affliction that affects some who have visited such places.